【下位】 bushy-tailed wildcat of Europe that resembles the domestic cat and is regarded as the ancestor of the domestic cat 家ネコに類似しており、家ネコの先祖と考えられているヨーロッパの毛のふさふさとしたヤマネコ。
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【下位】 long-bodied long-tailed tropical American wildcat 長い胴に長い尾を持つ熱帯アメリカ産のヤマネコ。
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【下位】 small spotted wildcat of southern Asia and Malaysia 南アジア・マレーシア産の小型マダラヤマネコ。
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outside the bounds of legitimate or ethical business practices; "wildcat currency issued by irresponsible banks"; "wildcat stock speculation"; "a wildcat airline"; "wildcat life insurance schemes" 日/英 »
(of a mine or oil well) drilled speculatively in an area not known to be productive; "drilling there would be strictly a wildcat operation"; "a wildcat mine"; "wildcat drilling"; "wildcat wells" 日/英 »