helping someone grow up to be an accepted member of the community; "they debated whether nature or nurture was more important" 人を社会に受け入れられる一員として育てること。
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【上位】 the adoption of the behavior patterns of the surrounding culture; "the socialization of children to the norms of their culture" 周りの文化の行動パターンを取り入れること。
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【上位】 any attribute or immaterial possession that is inherited from ancestors; "my only inheritance was my mother's blessing"; "the world's heritage of knowledge" 親から子供に受け継がれた特質。
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【下位】 the result of good upbringing (especially knowledge of correct social behavior); "a woman of breeding and refinement" 子供時代のよいしつけの成果(特に社会の中での振る舞い方に対する知識)。
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