have confidence or faith in; "We can trust in God"; "Rely on your friends"; "bank on your good education"; "I swear by my grandmother's recipes" 信用、または信頼する。
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【上位】 accept as true; take to be true; "I believed his report"; "We didn't believe his stories from the War"; "She believes in spirits" 真実として受け取る。真実であるとみなす。
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【下位】 rely on for support; "We can lean on this man" 支援を依頼する。
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【下位】 have faith or confidence in; "you can count on me to help you any time"; "Look to your friends for support"; "You can bet on that!"; "Depend on your family in times of crisis" 信頼または信用がある。
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【上位】 consent to, give permission; "She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband"; "I won't let the police search her basement"; "I cannot allow you to see your exam" 同意し、許可する。
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something (as property) held by one party (the trustee) for the benefit of another (the beneficiary); "he is the beneficiary of a generous trust set up by his father" 当事者甲(受託者)が乙(受益者)の便宜のために(財産として)持っているもの。
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【上位】 something owned; any tangible or intangible possession that is owned by someone; "that hat is my property"; "he is a man of property"; 所有されるもの。ある人物が所有する有形の所有物。
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【下位】 an agreement whereby persons owning stock with voting powers retain ownership while transferring the voting rights to the trustees 議決権付き株を所有している人々が、議決権を受託者に譲渡する一方で株の所有権は保有するという協定。
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【下位】 a trust in which the trustee must perform certain duties 受託者が特定の義務を果たさなければならない任務。
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【下位】 a trust that enables a person to avoid possible conflict of interest by transferring assets to a fiduciary; the person establishing the trust gives up the right to information about the assets 受託者に資産を移動することにより起こり得る利害衝突の回避を可能にする信頼。信用が右を資産に関する情報に渡すと確認している人。
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【下位】 a trust created for charitable or religious or educational or scientific purposes 公益、宗教、教育、または科学的目的のために作られる信託。
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【下位】 a trust established to shift the income to someone who is taxed at a lower rate than the grantor for a period of 10 years or more 10年間以上譲渡人よりも低額納税者に収益を移譲するために創設される信託。
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【下位】 a trust created by the free and deliberate act of the parties involved (usually on the basis of written documentation) 当事者達の自由意志に基づいて創設される信託(一般に手続きは書類をもって進める)。
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【下位】 a trust that gives the trustee discretion to pay the beneficiary as much of the trust income as the trustee believes appropriate 受託者が適当と見るのと同額の信託金を受益者に支払うことを受託者に一任する信託。
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【下位】 a trust inferred by operation of law 法律の運用によって推断される委託。
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【下位】 a trust created and operating during the grantor's lifetime 委託人の生涯の間に作られて、作用している信用。
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【下位】 a trust in which the trustee performs no active duties 受託者が何の積極的義務も履行しなくてよい信託。
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【下位】 a savings account deposited by someone who makes themselves the trustee for a beneficiary and who controls it during their lifetime; afterward the balance is payable to the previously named beneficiary 受益者のために管財人となり、生涯にわたって管理する者によって預けられる預金口座。その後、残高は前に名前を挙げられた受益者に支払われる。
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certainty based on past experience; "he wrote the paper with considerable reliance on the work of other scientists"; "he put more trust in his own two legs than in the gun" 過去の経験による確信。
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【上位】 place into the hands or custody of; "hand me the spoon, please"; "Turn the files over to me, please"; "He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers" 手の中に置くまたは、の拘置。
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【下位】 commit in order to fulfill an obligation; "obligate money" 義務を果たすために誓約する。
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【下位】 commit again; "It was recommitted into her custody" 再び約束する。
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a consortium of independent organizations formed to limit competition by controlling the production and distribution of a product or service; "they set up the trust in the hope of gaining a monopoly" 製品やサービスの製造販売をコントロールすることによって競争を制限するためにつくられる独立組織のコンソーシアム。
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【下位】 an illicit cartel formed to control the production and distribution of narcotic drugs; "drug cartels sometimes finance terrorist organizations" 麻薬の製造販売を制御するためにつくられる違法なカルテル。
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【下位】 a cartel of companies or nations formed to control the production and distribution of oil 油の生産と流通を管理するために形成された会社や国の連合。
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complete confidence in a person or plan etc; "he cherished the faith of a good woman"; "the doctor-patient relationship is based on trust" 人や計画を完全に信用すること。
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