a point located with respect to surface features of some region; "this is a nice place for a picnic"; "a bright spot on a planet" ある地域の表面の特徴に関して見つけられたポイント。
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【上位】 the precise location of something; a spatially limited location; "she walked to a point where she could survey the whole street" 何かの正確な位置。空間的に限られた位置。
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【下位】 the top or extreme point of something (usually a mountain or hill); "the view from the peak was magnificent"; "they clambered to the tip of Monadnock"; "the region is a few molecules wide at the summit" 何かの頂点または極点(通常山または丘)。
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【下位】 a place for the burial of a corpse (especially beneath the ground and marked by a tombstone); "he put flowers on his mother's grave" 死体の埋葬の場所(特に墓碑によって記される地面の真下)。
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【下位】 a place suitable for hiding something (such as yourself) 何か(自分自身など)を隠すのに適している場所。
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【下位】 the location of the target that is to be hit 命中させる的がある位置。
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【下位】 a high place; "they stood on high and observed the countryside"; "he doesn't like heights" 高い所。
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【下位】 the place where someone was born 人が生まれた場所。
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【下位】 one of two places from which people are communicating to each other; "the phone rang at the other end"; "both ends wrote at the same time" 人がお互いに交信し合う2つの場所の1つの方。
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【下位】 the place where two or more things come together 2つのものが一緒になる所。
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【下位】 a place suitable for nesting 巣を作るのに適した場所。
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【下位】 a place where people meet; "he was waiting for them at the rendezvous" 人々が会う場所。
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【下位】 a spot where something halts or pauses; "his next stop is Atlanta" 何かが停止あるいは立ち止まる場所。
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【下位】 a locally circumscribed place characterized by some distinctive features はっきりとした特徴をがある制限された地理上の区域。
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【下位】 a small unpretentious out-of-the-way place; "his office was a hole-in-the-wall" 小さな質素な人目に付かない場所。
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【下位】 a sacred place of pilgrimage 巡礼に行く神聖な場所。
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【下位】 a place that attracts many visitors; "New York is a mecca for young artists" 多くの訪問者を引きつける場所。
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【下位】 a high place affording a good view 眺めのよい高い所にある場所。
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【下位】 a place where voters go to cast their votes in an election 選挙において投票者が投票を行う場所。
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【下位】 something resembling a pool of liquid; "he stood in a pool of light"; "his chair sat in a puddle of books and magazines" 液体がたまっているように見えるもの。
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【下位】 a place that is scoured (especially by running water) (特に流水で)掘られた場所。
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【下位】 place on a highway providing garage services and eating and toilet facilities ガソリンスタンドや食堂、及びトイレ施設を提供する高速道路上の場所。
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【下位】 a place that is frequently exhibited and visited for its historical interest or natural beauty 歴史的関心や自然の美しさで、公開され人々がよく訪れる場所。
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