deprive of strength or efficiency; make useless or worthless; "This measure crippled our efforts"; "Their behavior stultified the boss's hard work" 強さまたは効率を奪う。役に立たないか役に立たなくする。
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【上位】 subject to laughter or ridicule; "The satirists ridiculed the plans for a new opera house"; "The students poked fun at the inexperienced teacher"; "His former students roasted the professor at his 60th birthday" 笑いまたは嘲笑の対象となる。
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prove to be of unsound mind or demonstrate someone's incompetence; "nobody is legally allowed to stultify himself" 精神が病んでいることを証明する、あるいは無能力であることを明らかにする。
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【上位】 establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment; "The experiment demonstrated the instability of the compound"; "The mathematician showed the validity of the conjecture" 例、説明または実験によって、何かの妥当性を確立する。
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