an elaborate or deceitful scheme contrived to deceive or evade; "his testimony was just a contrivance to throw us off the track" 人を欺いたり、何かを逃れようとする、巧みでずるい策略。
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【下位】 something planted secretly for discovery by another; "the police used a plant to trick the thieves"; "he claimed that the evidence against him was a plant" 他の人に発見されるように、こっそり植えられたもの。
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【下位】 an illegal scheme for making money by manipulating stock prices; the schemer persuades other people to buy the stock and then sells it himself as soon as the price of the stock rises 株価の操作により利益を出す不法な計画。策士は、株を買うように他の人々を説得して、その後価格が上るとすぐに、自身の株を売る。
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【下位】 an instance of accomplishing something by scheming or trickery 陰謀または詐欺によって何かを達成する例。
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