not subject to change or variation especially in behavior; "a steady beat"; "a steady job"; "a steady breeze"; "a steady increase"; "a good steady ballplayer" 特にふるまいにおける変更または変化への対象ではない。
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support or hold steady and make steadfast, with or as if with a brace; "brace your elbows while working on the potter's wheel" 支柱でまたは支柱であるかのように、補助をし、かたく押さえつけ、強固なものにする。
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【下位】 steady or support with a guy wire or cable; "The Italians guyed the Tower of Pisa to prevent it from collapsing" ガイ・ワイヤーまたはケーブルで安定させるあるいは補助する。
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securely in position; not shaky; "held the ladder steady" 日/英 »
marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable; "firm convictions"; "a firm mouth"; "steadfast resolve"; "a man of unbendable perseverence"; "unwavering loyalty" 日/英 »