【下位】 a society in an advanced state of social development (e.g., with complex legal and political and religious organizations); "the people slowly progressed from barbarism to civilization" 社会的発展(例えば法的、政治的、宗教的に複雑な組織を伴う)の先進の状態の社会。
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【下位】 a society that allows its members considerable freedom (as in a democracy); "America's open society has made it an easy target for terrorists" かなりの自由(民主主義の場合のように)をそのメンバーに与える社会。
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【下位】 a society with the social organization of a tribe 部族の社会組織がある社会。
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a formal association of people with similar interests; "he joined a golf club"; "they formed a small lunch society"; "men from the fraternal order will staff the soup kitchen today" 類似の関心を持つ人々の公式な協会。
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【下位】 a club of professional or business people organized for their coordination and active in public services 専門職に就く人々や実業家たちが協調するために組織され、積極的に公共奉仕を行っているクラブ。
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【下位】 a group of people who save money in a common fund for a specific purpose (usually distributed at Christmas) 特定の目的のために共通の基金に貯金をする人々のグループ(通常はクリスマスに分配される)。
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【下位】 a club of tumblers or gymnasts 曲芸師や体操選手たちのクラブ。
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【下位】 a natural or instinctive fellowship between people of similar interests; "he enjoyed the freemasonry of the Press" 似通った利害関係にある人々がもつ、自然な、あるいは本能的な友愛。
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