【上位】 a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography); "it was a mountainous area"; "Bible country" 境界が不確かな特定の地理的地域(通常いくつかの特別な目的にかなうか、その住民、文化または地理学によって特徴付けられる)。
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【下位】 an illuminated area; "he stepped into the light" 照明された場所。
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【下位】 the scene of any event or action (especially the place of a meeting) 行事または活動の現場(特に会議の場所)。
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【下位】 any scene regarded as a setting for exhibiting or doing something; "All the world's a stage"--Shakespeare; "it set the stage for peaceful negotiations" 何かを示すかまたはするための設定と見なされたどんな場面でも。
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【下位】 the part of a scene (or picture) that lies behind objects in the foreground; "he posed her against a background of rolling hills" 前方の物の後ろにある、光景(あるいは絵)の一部。
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【上位】 a representation of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide; recorded by a camera on light-sensitive material 人物あるいは場面のプリントまたは透明なスライドの形の表現。カメラで感光性材料に記録される。
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a situation treated as an observable object; "the political picture is favorable"; "the religious scene in England has changed in the last century" 目に見えるものとして扱った状況。
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【上位】 the general state of things; the combination of circumstances at a given time; "the present international situation is dangerous"; "wondered how such a state of affairs had come about"; "eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation"- Franklin D.Roosevelt 一般的な状態。与えられた時における様々な状況の複合したもの。
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graphic art consisting of the graphic or photographic representation of a visual percept; "he painted scenes from everyday life"; "figure 2 shows photographic and schematic views of the equipment" 視覚の知覚表象のグラフィックであるか、写真表現からなるグラフィック芸術。
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the painted structures of a stage set that are intended to suggest a particular locale; "they worked all night painting the scenery" 特定の場所を連想させるための、塗装された舞台装置の構成物。
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【上位】 representation consisting of the scenery and other properties used to identify the location of a dramatic production; "the sets were meticulously authentic" 舞台装置や他の小道具から構成される演出で、劇の演じられる場所を特定するために使用される。
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