【上位】 sound of any kind (especially unintelligible or dissonant sound); "he enjoyed the street noises"; "they heard indistinct noises of people talking"; "during the firework display that ended the gala the noise reached 98 decibels" あらゆる種類の音(特に曖昧な音や不協和音)。
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【上位】 a loud utterance; often in protest or opposition; "the speaker was interrupted by loud cries from the rear of the audience" けたたましい発言。しばしば抗議か反対で。
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very lively and profitable; "flourishing businesses"; "a palmy time for stockbrokers"; "a prosperous new business"; "doing a roaring trade"; "a thriving tourist center"; "did a thriving business in orchids" 日/英 »