any of numerous usually rhizomatous hybrid begonias derived from an East Indian plant having rough-textured leaves patterned in silver and bronze and purple and red-brown with inconspicuous flowers 銀色、ブロンズ色、紫、赤褐色の縞柄のきめの粗い葉と小さくて淡い色の花を持つ、東インドの植物に由来する多数の通常根茎のある雑種のベゴニヤの総称。
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【上位】 any of numerous plants of the genus Begonia grown for their attractive glossy asymmetrical leaves and colorful flowers in usually terminal cymes or racemes 魅力的で艶やかな非相称の葉と、通常は頂生の集散花序か総状花序の花のために育てられる、ベゴニア属の多数の植物。
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