a recurring sleep state during which dreaming occurs; a state of rapidly shifting eye movements during sleep 夢現象が起こることが繰り返されている睡眠状態。睡眠中に急速眼球運動が起こる状態。
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【上位】 a natural and periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the world is suspended; "he didn't get enough sleep last night"; "calm as a child in dreamless slumber" 休息中に人間の意識が途切れる、自然で周期的な状態。
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(Roentgen Equivalent Man) the dosage of ionizing radiation that will cause the same amount of injury to human tissue as 1 roentgen of X-rays 人体組織に1レントゲンのX線と同じ損傷を起こす電離放射線量。
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