【上位】 a dramatic or musical entertainment; "they listened to ten different performances"; "the play ran for 100 performances"; "the frequent performances of the symphony testify to its popularity" 劇あるいは音楽公演。
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【上位】 the act of informing by verbal report; "he heard reports that they were causing trouble"; "by all accounts they were a happy couple" 口頭の報告によって告げる行為。
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【下位】 an act of narration; "he was the hero according to his own relation"; "his endless recounting of the incident eventually became unbearable" ナレーションの行為。
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【上位】 a message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc; "according to his statement he was in London on that day" 述べられたまたは言い切られたメッセージ。詳細や事実などについて述べる(口頭、または書面の)コミュニケーション。
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a public instance of reciting or repeating (from memory) something prepared in advance; "the program included songs and recitations of well-loved poems" あらかじめ暗唱するかまたは何か準備されたものを繰り返す(メモリから)公共の例。
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【下位】 recitation of a speech from memory with studied gestures and intonation as an exercise in elocution or rhetoric 演説法と修辞学の練習のように研究されたジェスチャー、イントネーションの記憶からのスピーチの暗唱。
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【上位】 a record or narrative description of past events; "a history of France"; "he gave an inaccurate account of the plot to kill the president"; "the story of exposure to lead" 過去の出来事の記録または物語風の記述。
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