


unique or specific to a person or thing or category; "the particular demands of the job"; "has a particular preference for Chinese art"; "a peculiar bond of sympathy between them"; "an expression peculiar to Canadians"; "rights peculiar to the rich"; "the special features of a computer"; "my own special chair"
  日/英 »
separate and distinct from others of the same group or category; "interested in one particular artist"; "a man who wishes to make a particular woman fall in love with him"
  日/英 »
a fact about some part (as opposed to general); "he always reasons from the particular to the general"
何らかの部分(将軍と対照的に)についての事実。  日/英 »
【上位】 a piece of information about circumstances that exist or events that have occurred; "first you must collect all the facts of the case"
実存する状況、または発生した出来事についての情報。  日/英 »
surpassing what is common or usual or expected; "he paid especial attention to her"; "exceptional kindness"; "a matter of particular and unusual importance"; "a special occasion"; "a special reason to confide in her"; "what's so special about the year 2000?"
  日/英 »
(logic) a proposition that asserts something about some (but not all) members of a class
あるクラスの何人かの(すべてでない)メンバーについて何かを断言する提案。  日/英 »
【上位】 (logic) a statement that affirms or denies something and is either true or false
何かを肯定または否定し、真または偽である言明。  日/英 »
first and most important; "his special interest is music"; "she gets special (or particular) satisfaction from her volunteer work"
  日/英 »
exacting especially about details; "a finicky eater"; "fussy about clothes"; "very particular about how her food was prepared"
  日/英 »
a small part that can be considered separately from the whole; "it was perfect in all details"
全体から離して考慮できる小さな部分。  日/英 »
【上位】 something determined in relation to something that includes it; "he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself"; "I read a portion of the manuscript"; "the smaller component is hard to reach"; "the animal constituent of plankton"
ある物を含む物に関連して決定される物。  日/英 »
【下位】 the most interesting or memorable part; "the highlight of the tour was our visit to the Vatican"
一番面白く忘れられない部分。  日/英 »
providing specific details or circumstances; "a particular description of the room"
  日/英 »
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