the action of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with; "he encountered a general feeling of resistance from many citizens"; "despite opposition from the newspapers he went ahead" 不賛成だったり同意しないものに抵抗する行為。
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【下位】 a management action resisting employee's demands; employees are barred from entering the workplace until they agree to terms 従業員の要求に抵抗する経営側の行為。従業員は条件をのむまで仕事場に入ることを禁じられる。
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【下位】 doing something in opposition to another way of doing it that you don't like; "his style of painting was a reaction against cubism" 好まない他のやり方に対抗して何かをすること。
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the relation between opposed entities 対立した者の間の関係。
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【下位】 a relation between two opposite attributes or tendencies; "he viewed it as a balanced polarity between good and evil" 2つの対立した特性または傾向の関係。
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【下位】 exact opposite; "his theory is the antithesis of mine" まさに正反対。
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【下位】 having an indicated pole (as the distinction between positive and negative electric charges); "he got the polarity of the battery reversed"; "charges of opposite sign" (電極の陽極、陰極という区別のように)明示された極を持っていること。
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【下位】 the relation between opposing principles or forces or factors; "the inherent antagonism of capitalism and socialism" 反発しあう原理、力または要因の間の関係。
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【下位】 direct opposite; "quiet: an antipode to focused busyness" 正反対。
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【下位】 opposition in a work of drama or fiction between characters or forces (especially an opposition that motivates the development of the plot); "this form of conflict is essential to Mann's writing" 芝居または小説での登場人物間あるいは勢力間の対立(特に話の筋の展開を促すような対立)。
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【下位】 the relation that exists when opposites cannot coexist 対立物が共存できない時の関係。
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【下位】 the relation between contraries 相反するものの関係。
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【下位】 exact opposition; "public opinion to the contrary he is not guilty" 全くの反対。
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【下位】 a different aspect of something (especially the opposite aspect); "the flip side of your positive qualities sometimes get out of control"; "on the flip side of partnerships he talked about their competition" 何かの異なる一面(特に逆の面)。
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【下位】 an opposition that is capable of being graded 等級付けのできる対立。
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【下位】 something inverted in sequence or character or effect; "when the direct approach failed he tried the inverse" 順序、性質または効果の面で逆にされたもの。
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【下位】 some third thing similar to two opposites but distinct from both 2つの対立物に似てはいるが、どちらとも異なる第3のもの。
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【下位】 an opposition that has no intermediate grade; either one or the other 中間の等級がない対立。どちらか一方でしかない。
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the act of hostile groups opposing each other; "the government was not ready for a confrontation with the unions"; "the invaders encountered stiff opposition" お互いに対立しているグループ同士の反目する行為。
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【上位】 a group of persons associated by some common tie or occupation and regarded as an entity; "the whole body filed out of the auditorium"; "the student body"; "administrative body" 共通のきずなや職業で結び付けられ、1つの実体と見なされる人々の集まり。
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【下位】 a heterogeneous collection of groups united in their opposition to Saddam Hussein's government of Iraq; formed in 1992 it is comprised of Sunni and Shiite Arabs and Kurds who hope to build a new government イラクのサダム・フセイン政権へ反対において連合するグループの異種集団のグループ。1992年に形成され、新しい政府を築くことを望むスンニ派、シーア派アラブ人とクルド人から成る。
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【上位】 the spatial relation between something and the course along which it points or moves; "he checked the direction and velocity of the wind" それが指すか、動く何かに沿う方向の空間的関係。
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the major political party opposed to the party in office and prepared to replace it if elected; "Her Majesty's loyal opposition" 選ばれた場合に、政権を握っている政党に反対し、それと交代する準備のある主要な政党。
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