in accordance with nature; relating to or concerning nature; "a very natural development"; "our natural environment"; "natural science"; "natural resources"; "natural cliffs"; "natural phenomena" 自然に従って。自然に関して、または、それに関して。
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existing in or produced by nature; not artificial or imitation; "a natural pearl"; "natural gas"; "natural silk"; "natural blonde hair"; "a natural sweetener"; "natural fertilizers" 自然により存在しているか生産されるさま。人工でない、または模倣ではない。
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existing in or in conformity with nature or the observable world; neither supernatural nor magical; "a perfectly natural explanation" 自然または観察可能な世界に存在すること、またはそれと一致しているさま。超自然的でもなく魔術的でもない。
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functioning or occurring in a normal way; lacking abnormalities or deficiencies; "it's the natural thing to happen"; "natural immunity"; "a grandparent's natural affection for a grandchild" 日/英 »
(used especially of commodities) being unprocessed or manufactured using only simple or minimal processes; "natural yogurt"; "natural produce"; "raw wool"; "raw sugar"; "bales of rude cotton" 日/英 »
【上位】 a person with a record of successes; "his son would never be the achiever that his father was"; "only winners need apply"; "if you want to be a success you have to dress like a success" 成功の証をもつ人。
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