


above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent; "a large city"; "set out for the big city"; "a large sum"; "a big (or large) barn"; "a large family"; "big businesses"; "a big expenditure"; "a large number of newspapers"; "a big group of scientists"; "large areas of the world"
サイズ、数、量、大きさまたは範囲において平均以上の。  日/英 »
fairly large or important in effect; influential; "played a large role in the negotiations"
  日/英 »
in an advanced stage of pregnancy; "was big with child"; "was great with child"
  日/英 »
generous and understanding and tolerant; "a heart big enough to hold no grudges"; "that's very big of you to be so forgiving"; "a large and generous spirit"; "a large heart"; "magnanimous toward his enemies"
  日/英 »
having broad power and range and scope; "taking the large view"; "a large effect"; "a large sympathy"
  日/英 »
in a boastful manner; "he talked big all evening"
  日/英 »
conspicuous in position or importance; "a big figure in the movement"; "big man on campus"; "he's very large in financial circles"; "a prominent citizen"
  日/英 »
a garment size for a large person
大柄の人のための衣服のサイズ。  日/英 »
【上位】 the property resulting from being one of a series of graduated measurements (as of clothing); "he wears a size 13 shoe"
(衣服などの)一連の段階的な度量法の1つであるということから発する特質。  日/英 »
ostentatiously lofty in style; "a man given to large talk"; "tumid political prose"
  日/英 »
at a distance, wide of something (as of a mark)
【未定義】  日/英 »
with the wind abaft the beam; "a ship sailing large"
【未定義】  日/英 »
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