


an event that occurs at a critical time; "at such junctures he always had an impulse to leave"; "it was needed only on special occasions"
肝心な時に起こるでき事。  日/英 »
【上位】 an event that happens
起こった出来事。  日/英 »
【下位】 a crucial stage or turning point in the course of something; "after the crisis the patient either dies or gets better"
何かの過程での正念場か転機。  日/英 »
【下位】 the highest point of anything conceived of as growing or developing or unfolding; "the climax of the artist's career"; "in the flood tide of his success"
成長、発達、または展開すると考えられる事の頂点。  日/英 »
【下位】 an event marking a unique or important historical change of course or one on which important developments depend; "the agreement was a watershed in the history of both nations"
独特なことの印となる出来事、重要で歴史的な方向転換、または、重要な発展がかかっていること。  日/英 »
【下位】 a significant event in your life (or in a project)
人生(や計画)における重要な出来事。  日/英 »
【下位】 a critical combination of events or circumstances
事象または状況の重要な組合せ。  日/英 »
【下位】 a difficult juncture; "a pretty pass"; "matters came to a head yesterday"
難しい接続。  日/英 »
【下位】 an occasion on which one is reminded of the nature of things in the real world; "this program is intended as a reality check for CEOs"; "after all those elaborate productions, I felt in need of a reality check"
実際の世界の物質の性質を1つが思い出させられる出来事。  日/英 »
the shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made
物事が集まり、接続された形または方法。  日/英 »
【上位】 a connecting shape
接続している形。  日/英 »
【下位】 the junction between the esophagus and the stomach epithelium
食道と胃上皮の間での結合。  日/英 »
a crisis situation or point in time when a critical decision must be made; "at that juncture he had no idea what to do"; "he must be made to realize that the company stands at a critical point"
重大な決定がなされなければならない場合の危機的状況か局面。  日/英 »
【上位】 an unstable situation of extreme danger or difficulty; "they went bankrupt during the economic crisis"
非常に危険あるいは困難な、不安定な状態。  日/英 »
【下位】 a critical state; especially the point at which a nuclear reaction is self-sustaining
危機的状況。特に核反応が自続式である状態。  日/英 »
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