


the region that is inside of something
あるものの内側の領域。  日/英 »
【上位】 the extended spatial location of something; "the farming regions of France"; "religions in all parts of the world"; "regions of outer space"
ものの広がった空間的位置。  日/英 »
【下位】 the location of something surrounded by other things; "in the midst of the crowd"
他のものによって囲まれる何かの位置。  日/英 »
【下位】 the interior part of a country
国の内地。  日/英 »
【下位】 the innermost parts
最も奥深い部分。  日/英 »
situated within or suitable for inside a building; "an interior scene"; "interior decoration"; "an interior bathroom without windows"
建物の内部にある、または、建物の内部にふさわしい。  日/英 »
located inward; "Beethoven's manuscript looks like a bloody record of a tremendous inner battle"- Leonard Bernstein; "she thinks she has no soul, no interior life, but the truth is that she has no access to it"- David Denby; "an internal sense of rightousness"- A.R.Gurney,Jr.
  日/英 »
of or coming from the middle of a region or country; "upcountry districts"
  日/英 »
inside the country; "the British Home Office has broader responsibilities than the United States Department of the Interior"; "the nation's internal politics"
  日/英 »
the inner or enclosed surface of something
何かの内部であるか閉じられた表面。  日/英 »
【上位】 the extended two-dimensional outer boundary of a three-dimensional object; "they skimmed over the surface of the water"; "a brush small enough to clean every dental surface"; "the sun has no distinct surface"
3次元の物の拡張された2次元の外側の境界。  日/英 »
【下位】 the hollow inside of something; "in the belly of the ship"
何かの中のくぼみ。  日/英 »
the United States federal department charged with conservation and the development of natural resources; created in 1849
米国の連邦局で、天然資源の保存と開発を担当する。1849年に創設。  日/英 »
【上位】 a federal department in the executive branch of the government of the United States
米国政府の行政部内にある連邦機関。  日/英 »
inside and toward a center; "interior regions of the earth"
  日/英 »
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