the power of attracting or holding one's attention (because it is unusual or exciting etc.); "they said nothing of great interest"; "primary colors can add interest to a room" 人の興味を(普通ではないとか興奮させるなどの理由で)引き付けたり保持したりする力。
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【上位】 possession of controlling influence; "the deterrent power of nuclear weapons"; "the power of his love saved her"; "his powerfulness was concealed by a gentle facade" 影響を支配する所有権。
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【下位】 interest and variety and intensity; "the Puritan Period was lacking in color"; "the characters were delineated with exceptional vividness" 興味深さと多彩さと激しさ。
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【下位】 a personal attractiveness or interestingness that enables you to influence others 他の人々に影響を与えることができる個人的な魅力または面白さ。
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【下位】 the quality of being sufficiently interesting to be reported in news bulletins; "the judge conceded the newsworthiness of the trial"; "he is no longer news in the fashion world" ニュース放送で発表するのに十分に興味深いという品質。
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【下位】 the quality of being sharp or harsh to the senses; "the shrillness of her hair color" 感覚が鋭いか辛らつな品質。
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【下位】 the attribute of being of interest at the present time; "the library had to discard books that had lost their topicality" 現在の時間においての興味である特質。
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