【上位】 the branches of mathematics that study and develop the principles of mathematics for their own sake rather than for their immediate usefulness 直接的な利便性よりも、数学上の原則を詳しく説くこと自体を目的とした分野。
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【下位】 a branch of mathematics involving calculus and the theory of limits; sequences and series and integration and differentiation 微積分と限界値理論に関する数学の分野。系列、シリーズ、統合、および分化。
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【下位】 the calculus of maxima and minima of definite integrals 定積分の最大値と最小値の計算。
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【下位】 the part of calculus that deals with the variation of a function with respect to changes in the independent variable (or variables) by means of the concepts of derivative and differential 微分係数と差の概念によって独立変数(または変数)の変化に関して関数の変動に対処する微積分学の部分。
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【下位】 the part of calculus that deals with integration and its application in the solution of differential equations and in determining areas or volumes etc. 微分方程式や測定範囲、または体積における方程式の解での積分やその応用を処理する微積分学の一部。
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