a vague idea in which some confidence is placed; "his impression of her was favorable"; "what are your feelings about the crisis?"; "it strengthened my belief in his sincerity"; "I had a feeling that she was lying" ある程度の信頼が置かれる漠然とした考え。
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【上位】 the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about; "it was not a good idea"; "the thought never entered my mind" 認知の内容。その人が考えている主要な事柄。
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【下位】 an impression (especially one that is artificial or contrived); "he just did it for effect" 見た目の効果(特に人工的なもの、不自然なものについて)。
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【下位】 the impression that something is present; "he felt the presence of an evil force" 何かがあるという印象。
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【下位】 at the first glimpse or impression; "at first blush the idea possesses considerable intuitive appeal but on closer examination it fails" 一見のまたは最初の印象で。
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an outward appearance; "he made a good impression"; "I wanted to create an impression of success"; "she retained that bold effect in her reproductions of the original painting" 外見。
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【下位】 the impression created by doing something unusual or extraordinary that people notice and remember; "it was in London that he made his mark"; "he left an indelible mark on the American theater" 人々が注目し、忘れないような、特別なことや、並み外れたことをして生まれた印象。
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【下位】 the general impression that something (a person or organization or product) presents to the public; "although her popular image was contrived it served to inspire music and pageantry"; "the company tried to project an altruistic image" 何か(人、組織または製品)が公衆に与える全体的なな印象。
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【下位】 a total impression or effect of something made up of individual parts 個々の部品で構成されている物の全体的な印象、または効果。
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a clear and telling mental image; "he described his mental picture of his assailant"; "he had no clear picture of himself or his world"; "the events left a permanent impression in his mind" 明確で多くを語る心像。
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the act of pressing one thing on or into the surface of another; "he watched the impression of the seal on the hot wax" ひとつの物質をもう一つの物質の表面上またはその内部へ押さえつける行為。
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【上位】 the act of pressing; the exertion of pressure; "he gave the button a press"; "he used pressure to stop the bleeding"; "at the pressing of a button" 押す行為。圧力の行使。
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【下位】 a stamp affixed to a document (as to attest to its authenticity or to seal it); "the warrant bore the sheriff's seal" (それが本物であることを証明するため、またはそれに封印を施すためのように)文書に押される印章。
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a concavity in a surface produced by pressing; "he left the impression of his fingers in the soft mud" 押し付けることによってできる表面のくぼみ。
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【下位】 a long narrow depression in a surface 表面の細長いくぼみ。
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【下位】 a long narrow furrow cut either by a natural process (such as erosion) or by a tool (as e.g. a groove in a phonograph record) 自然の過程(腐食のような)、あるいは工具によって掘られた(例えば、レコードの溝など)長く狭いくぼみ。
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【下位】 a depression scratched or carved into a surface 表面へ引っ掻かれた、または彫られたへこみ。
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【下位】 any slight depression in a surface; "there are approximately 336 dimples on a golf ball" 表面のわずかなくぼみ。
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【下位】 a small natural hollow in the cheek or chin; "His dimple appeared whenever he smiled" 頬または顎にある小さな自然のくぼみ。
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【下位】 a depression in an otherwise level surface; "there was a dip in the road" 異なる水平面にあるくぼみ。
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【下位】 a shape that sags; "there was a sag in the chair seat" 下がっている形。
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(dentistry) an imprint of the teeth and gums in wax or plaster; "the dentist took an impression for use in preparing an inlay" 歯と歯茎をろうまたはプラスターで取った跡。
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【上位】 acting the part of a character on stage; dramatically representing the character by speech and action and gesture 舞台で登場人物の役割を演じること。言葉、振る舞い、身振りにより、劇的に役柄を演ずること。
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