【下位】 a violent commotion or disturbance; "the storms that had characterized their relationship had died away"; "it was only a tempest in a teapot" 激しい動揺あるいは不穏。
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【下位】 a disturbance that is extremely disruptive; "selling the company caused an earthquake among the employees" 非常に破壊的な騒動。
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【下位】 a public disturbance; "the police investigated an incident at the bus station" 公の騒動。
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【下位】 a prominent or sensational but short-lived news event; "he made a great splash and then disappeared" 目立って驚くべきであるが、短命なニュースの出来事。
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【下位】 a center of trouble or disturbance トラブルや動揺の中心。
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