


an angry disturbance; "he didn't want to make a fuss"; "they had labor trouble"; "a spot of bother"
怒りの騒動。  日/英 »
【上位】 activity that is a malfunction, intrusion, or interruption; "the term `distress' connotes some degree of perturbation and emotional upset"; "he looked around for the source of the disturbance"; "there was a disturbance of neural function"
不調、押しつけ、または中断する活動。  日/英 »
disorderly fighting
無秩序な戦い。  日/英 »
【上位】 the act of fighting; any contest or struggle; "a fight broke out at the hockey game"; "there was fighting in the streets"; "the unhappy couple got into a terrible scrap"
戦いの行為。あらゆる競争や戦闘。  日/英 »
annoy continually or chronically; "He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked"; "This man harasses his female co-workers"
継続的に、または慢性的に悩ます。  日/英 »
【上位】 cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations; "Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me"; "It irritates me that she never closes the door after she leaves"
不快感にさせる。特に小さな苛立ちによって、妨げる。  日/英 »
【下位】 treat cruelly; "The children tormented the stuttering teacher"
残酷に扱う。  日/英 »
【下位】 goad or provoke,as by constant criticism; "He needled her with his sarcastic remarks"
絶えず続く批判により、を駆り立てる、誘発する。  日/英 »
【下位】 harass by imposing humiliating or painful tasks, as in military institutions
軍事施設でのように、屈辱的で痛みを伴う任務を課すことによって悩ませる。  日/英 »
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