be in charge of, act on, or dispose of; "I can deal with this crew of workers"; "This blender can't handle nuts"; "She managed her parents' affairs after they got too old" その任にある、それとして動く、あるいは処理する。
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【下位】 cause to be structured or ordered or operating according to some principle or idea 何らかの主義または考えを基に構成され、命令されまたは機能するようになされる。
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【下位】 deal with (a problem or a subject); "I still have not come to grips with the death of my parents" 対処する(問題または主題)。
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【下位】 bring into common action, movement, or condition; "coordinate the painters, masons, and plumbers"; "coordinate his actions with that of his colleagues"; "coordinate our efforts" 共通の行動、運動、または状態をもたらす。
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【下位】 deal with or settle; "He disposed of these cases quickly" 対処するか、処理する。
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【下位】 deal with; usually used with a form of negation; "I wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole"; "The local Mafia won't touch gambling" 関係する。
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【下位】 manage badly or incompetently; "The funds were mismanaged" ひどくまたは非力に管理する。
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【下位】 deal with in a routine way; "I'll handle that one"; "process a loan"; "process the applicants" いつもの方法で扱う。
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【下位】 deal with simultaneously; "She had to juggle her job and her children" 同時に取引する。
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【下位】 cause to operate or function; "This pilot works the controls"; "Can you work an electric drill?" 作動させる、または機能させる。
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interact in a certain way; "Do right by her"; "Treat him with caution, please"; "Handle the press reporters gently" ある方法で交わる。
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【下位】 treat with respect and consideration; "children should do well by their parents" 尊敬と考慮と共に扱う。
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【下位】 handle with great care and sensitivity; "You have to handle the students with kid gloves" 細心の注意を払って、気配りをして扱う。
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【下位】 treat carefully; "He nursed his injured back by lying in bed several hours every afternoon"; "He nursed the flowers in his garden and fertilized them regularly" 慎重に扱う。
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【下位】 treat in a rough or boisterous manner 粗く騒々しい態度で対処する。
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【下位】 handle roughly; "He was strong-armed by the policemen" 乱暴に扱う。
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【下位】 treat snobbishly, put in one's place 気取って扱う、人の位置を設定する。
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the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it; "he grabbed the hammer by the handle"; "it was an old briefcase but it still had a good grip" それを使うかまたは動かすために保持されるようにデザインされている物への付属物。
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【下位】 the handle of a handgun or the butt end of a rifle or shotgun or part of the support of a machine gun or artillery gun; "the rifle had been fitted with a special stock" 短銃の持ち手、ライフルやショットガンの床尾、マシンガンや大砲の支持部分。
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【下位】 the handle end of some implements or tools; "he grabbed the cue by the stock" 器具や道具の取っ手の端。
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act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression; "This book deals with incest"; "The course covered all of Western Civilization"; "The new book treats the history of China" 口頭で、あるいは何か芸術的な表現で行う。
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【下位】 to consider or examine in speech or writing; "The author talks about the different aspects of this question"; "The class discussed Dante's `Inferno'" スピーチまたは文章で熟慮するまたは調査する。
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【上位】 control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage; "She manipulates her boss"; "She is a very controlling mother and doesn't let her children grow up"; "The teacher knew how to keep the class in line"; "she keeps in line" 通常、自分の利益のために(他人または自分を)巧みに制御し影響する。
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