【上位】 the part of the earth's surface covered with water (such as a river or lake or ocean); "they invaded our territorial waters"; "they were sitting by the water's edge" 水(川か湖、あるいは海洋のような)で覆われている地球表面の一部。
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【下位】 a shallow arm of the Arabian Sea between Iran and the Arabian peninsula; the Persian Gulf oil fields are among the most productive in the world イランとアラビア半島の間のアラブ海の浅い河口。ペルシャ湾の油田は世界でも有数の産油量をほこる。
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an unbridgeable disparity (as from a failure of understanding); "he felt a gulf between himself and his former friends"; "there is a vast disconnect between public opinion and federal policy" 橋渡しできない不一致(理解の不全からのような)。
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