【上位】 give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect; "She seems to be sleeping"; "This appears to be a very difficult problem"; "This project looks fishy"; "They appeared like people who had not eaten or slept for a long time" ある印象を与える、またはある外観を持つ。
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【上位】 the quality of being luminous; emitting or reflecting light; "its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun" 光を発する性質。光を放つ、または反射すること。
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【上位】 the experiencing of affective and emotional states; "she had a feeling of euphoria"; "he had terrible feelings of guilt"; "I disliked him and the feeling was mutual" 感動の、感情的な状態を経験すること。
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【上位】 (physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation; "the light was filtered through a soft glass window" 視覚の感覚を生じさせる電磁放射。
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experience a feeling of well-being or happiness, as from good health or an intense emotion; "She was beaming with joy"; "Her face radiated with happiness" 健康または激しい感情より、幸福または幸せの感覚を経験する。
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【上位】 (physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation; "the light was filtered through a soft glass window" 視覚の感覚を生じさせる電磁放射。
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【上位】 (physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation; "the light was filtered through a soft glass window" 視覚の感覚を生じさせる電磁放射。
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