【上位】 change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast" 場所を変える。また比喩的にも移動する、旅をするまたは前進する。
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【下位】 move smoothly and sinuously, like a snake 蛇のようにスムーズに波状に動く。
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【下位】 move effortlessly; by force of gravity たやすく動く。重力の力によって。
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【下位】 travel on the surface of water 水面を移動する。
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【下位】 ride the crest of a wave without a surfboard サーフボードなしで波の波頭に乗る。
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【下位】 move along on skates; "The Dutch often skate along the canals in winter" スケート靴で先に進む。
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【下位】 glide easily along a surface 表面に沿って容易に滑る。
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【下位】 glide down a snow-covered slope while standing on a board; "The children love to snowboard in winter" ボードの上に立った状態で、雪で覆われた斜面を滑り下りる。
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【下位】 ride the waves of the sea with a surfboard; "Californians love to surf" サーフボードで海の波に乗る。
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the act of moving smoothly along a surface while remaining in contact with it; "his slide didn't stop until the bottom of the hill"; "the children lined up for a coast down the snowy slope" 表面に接したままで表面上に滑らかに動く行為。
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【上位】 the act of changing location from one place to another; "police controlled the motion of the crowd"; "the movement of people from the farms to the cities"; "his move put him directly in my path" ある場所から別の場所へ位置を変える行為。
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【上位】 cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense; "Move those boxes into the corner, please"; "I'm moving my money to another bank"; "The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant" 新しい位置または場所に動かす、あるいは移動させる、具体的および抽象的な意味でも。
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【上位】 (phonetics) an individual sound unit of speech without concern as to whether or not it is a phoneme of some language いくつかの言語の音素であるかどうかは特定しない、言語の個々の音声単位。
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【下位】 a semivowel produced with the tongue near the palate (like the initial sound in the English word `yeast') 口蓋に舌先を近づけて発音する半母音(英語の`yeast'の最初の音のように)。
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