【下位】 the property of being untamed and ferocious; "the coastline is littered with testaments to the savageness of the waters"; "a craving for barbaric splendor, for savagery and color and the throb of drums" 荒々しく猛烈な特性。
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【上位】 a mood disorder; an affective disorder in which the victim tends to respond excessively and sometimes violently 気分障害。情動障害で患者は、過剰に、時には暴力的に、反応する。
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【下位】 a frenzy of emotion; as for something unattainable 感情の狂乱。何か達成不能なもののためなど。
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(classical mythology) the hideous snake-haired monsters (usually three in number) who pursued unpunished criminals 処罰を免れた犯人を追跡した恐ろしいヘビの髪のある怪物(通常3ぴ匹の)。
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