


well known or easily recognized; "a familiar figure"; "familiar songs"; "familiar guests"
よく知られているか、または容易に認識される。  日/英 »
within normal everyday experience; common and ordinary; not strange; "familiar ordinary objects found in every home"; "a familiar everyday scene"; "a familiar excuse"; "a day like any other filled with familiar duties and experiences"
通常の日常的な経験の範囲内で。一般的で普通の。奇妙でない。  日/英 »
(usually followed by `with') well informed about or knowing thoroughly; "conversant with business trends"; "familiar with the complex machinery"; "he was familiar with those roads"
  日/英 »
a spirit (usually in animal form) that acts as an assistant to a witch or wizard
魔女や魔法使いに仕える霊(通常、動物の姿をしている)。  日/英 »
【上位】 any incorporeal supernatural being that can become visible (or audible) to human beings
実体のない超自然の存在だが、人間に姿を見せる(あるいは声を聞かせる)ことができるもの。  日/英 »
a person attached to the household of a high official (as a pope or bishop) who renders service in return for support
(教皇や司祭といった)身分の高い聖職者の家庭を切り盛りし、奉仕の代償に保護を受ける人。  日/英 »
【上位】 a person working in the service of another (especially in the household)
他人の雑用のために働く人(特に家事において)。  日/英 »
having mutual interests or affections; of established friendship; "on familiar terms"; "pretending she is on an intimate footing with those she slanders"
  日/英 »
a friend who is frequently in the company of another; "drinking companions"; "comrades in arms"
しばしば別の仲間の中にいる友人。  日/英 »
【上位】 a person you know well and regard with affection and trust; "he was my best friend at the university"
よく知っていて好意を感じ信頼できる人。  日/英 »
【下位】 a participant in a date; "his date never stopped talking"
デートの相手。  日/英 »
【下位】 a companion at play
遊び仲間。  日/英 »
【下位】 a comrade (especially in Russian communism)
同志(特にロシアの共産主義の)。  日/英 »
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