【下位】 an era of existence or influence; "in the day of the dinosaurs"; "in the days of the Roman Empire"; "in the days of sailing ships"; "he was a successful pianist in his day" 存在または影響の時代。
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【下位】 the era of Islam's ascendancy from the death of Mohammed until the 13th century; some Moslems still maintain that the Moslem world must always have a calif as head of the community; "their goal was to reestablish the Caliphate" 13世紀までのモハメッドの死からのイスラム教の優勢の時代。イスラム世界が共同体の代表としてカリフを常に持たなければならないと今尚主張する一部のイスラム教徒。
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【下位】 the time period beginning with the supposed year of Christ's birth キリスト生誕とされる年から始まる時代。
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【下位】 from 230 million to 63 million years ago 2億3千万年前から6千3百万年前まで。
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【下位】 from 544 million to about 230 million years ago 6億年前から2億3千万年前まで。
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(baseball) a measure of a pitcher's effectiveness; calculated as the average number of earned runs allowed by the pitcher for every nine innings pitched ピッチャーの有効性の評価。自責点の平均した数が投手を務められた9イニング毎のためにピッチャーで許容したように、計算されます。
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【上位】 a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated; "the schools comply with federal standards"; "they set the measure for all subsequent work" 比較の基準。他のものとの評価をするための参考。
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