【下位】 a person conceived as a consumer of food; "he has four mouths to feed" 食物を消費する者として見なされる人。
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【下位】 someone who eats greedily or voraciously がつがつと、または貪欲に食べる人。
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【下位】 a person eating a meal (especially in a restaurant) 食事をする人(特に食堂で)。
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【下位】 an eater who dips food into a liquid before eating it; "he was a dunker--he couldn't eat a doughnut without a cup of coffee to dunk it in" 食べる前に食物を液体に浸す食べる人。
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【下位】 a hasty eater who swallows large mouthfuls 口いっぱい飲み込んで急いで食べる人。
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【下位】 someone who eats food rapidly and greedily 食べ物をがっつく人。
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【下位】 eater of fruits and grains and nuts; someone who eats no meat or fish or (often) any animal products 果実、粒、およびナッツを食べる人。肉も魚も、または(しばしば)いかなる動物性食品も食べない人。
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