of or involving the home or family; "domestic worries"; "domestic happiness"; "they share the domestic chores"; "everything sounded very peaceful and domestic"; "an author of blood-and-thunder novels yet quite domestic in his taste" 家庭または家族の、あるいは、家庭または家族にかかわる。
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【下位】 (in India) a native nursemaid who looks after children 子供たちの世話をする現地人の子守り女。
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【下位】 a person hired to help in another's home (especially one employed by a local authority to help the infirm with domestic work) 他人の家で手伝いをするために雇われた人(特に寝たきりの人の家事を手伝うために地方自治体から雇われた人)。
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【下位】 a servant who is employed to perform domestic task in a household 家の中で、家庭の仕事を行うために雇われる使用人。
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【下位】 a female domestic servant who does all kinds of menial work すべての種類の卑しい仕事をする女性の国内の使用人。
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produced in a particular country; "domestic wine"; "domestic oil" 日/英 »