being or having the nature of a god; "the custom of killing the divine king upon any serious failure of his...powers"-J.G.Frazier; "the divine will"; "the divine capacity for love"; "'Tis wise to learn; 'tis God-like to create"-J.G.Saxe 日/英 »
【上位】 the supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe; the object of worship in monotheistic religions 完全で、全能で、全知であり、宇宙の創始者であり支配者として考えられている超自然。一神教における崇拝の対象。
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【下位】 any of the three persons of the Godhead constituting the Trinity especially the person of Christ in which divine and human natures are united 神の三位一体を構成するもののいずれか、特に、神と人間の性格を併せもつキリストを指す。
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search by divining, as if with a rod; "He claimed he could divine underground water" まるで棒で探すかのように、占って探す。
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【上位】 try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of; "The police are searching for clues"; "They are searching for the missing man in the entire county" 見つけ、発見し、またはその存在を確定しようとする。
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appropriate to or befitting a god; "the divine strength of Achilles"; "a man of godlike sagacity"; "man must play God for he has acquired certain godlike powers"-R.H.Roveref 日/英 »
【下位】 (Roman Catholic Church) a French cleric (born in Germany) who founded the Carthusian order in 1084 (1032-1101) フランスの聖職者(ドイツ生まれ)で、1084年にカルトゥジオ修道会を設立した(1032年−1101年)。
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being of such surpassing excellence as to suggest inspiration by the gods; "her pies were simply divine"; "the divine Shakespeare"; "an elysian meal"; "an inspired performance" 日/英 »