an isolated fact that is considered separately from the whole; "several of the details are similar"; "a point of information" 全体から分離して考えられる独立した事実。
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【上位】 a piece of information about circumstances that exist or events that have occurred; "first you must collect all the facts of the case" 実存する状況、または発生した出来事についての情報。
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【上位】 something determined in relation to something that includes it; "he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself"; "I read a portion of the manuscript"; "the smaller component is hard to reach"; "the animal constituent of plankton" ある物を含む物に関連して決定される物。
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【上位】 an extended communication (often interactive) dealing with some particular topic; "the book contains an excellent discussion of modal logic"; "his treatment of the race question is badly biased" ある議題を巡っての広範にわたる(しばしば相互的な)コミュニケーション。
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【上位】 select something or someone for a specific purpose; "The teacher assigned him to lead his classmates in the exercise" 特定の目的のために何か、あるいは誰かを選ぶ。
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【上位】 add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing; "She elaborated on the main ideas in her dissertation" 説明または考えにおいて詳細を加える。学術的方法で、通常書面で意味や会話を区分けする。
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