【下位】 (Roman Catholic Church) a representative of the Holy See in a country that has no formal diplomatic relations with it 教皇庁と公式な外交関係のない国へ派遣される代表。
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【上位】 assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to; "He was appointed deputy manager"; "She was charged with supervising the creation of a concordance" 義務、責任または義務を割り当てる。
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【下位】 place somebody in a particular situation or location; "he was placed on probation" 特定の状況または場所に誰かを置く。
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【下位】 transfer somebody to a different position or location of work 誰かを仕事での異なるポジションまたは場所へ転勤させる。
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【下位】 give a promotion to or assign to a higher position; "John was kicked upstairs when a replacement was hired"; "Women tend not to advance in the major law firms"; "I got promoted after many years of hard work" 昇進を与えるか、より高い地位に割り当てる。
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【下位】 select to play,sing, or dance a part in a play, movie, musical, opera, or ballet; "He cast a young woman in the role of Desdemona" プレー、映画、ミュージカル、オペラ、またはバレエで役割を演じるか、歌うか、または踊るために、選ぶ。
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【下位】 assign to a lower position; reduce in rank; "She was demoted because she always speaks up"; "He was broken down to Sergeant" より低い位置へ割り当てる。ランクの中で縮小する。
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【下位】 assign under a mandate; "mandate a colony" 命令のもとで割り当てる。
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【下位】 assign to (a job or a home) (仕事または家)を割り当てる。
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【下位】 assign to a post; put into a post; "The newspaper posted him in Timbuktu" ある役職に割り当てる。ある役職に置く。
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【下位】 assign the roles of (a movie or a play) to actors; "Who cast this beautiful movie?" (映画または演劇の)役柄を俳優に割り当てる。
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【下位】 pass on or delegate to another; "The representative devolved his duties to his aides while he was in the hospital" 次へ渡す、他に委任する。
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