【下位】 congenital deformity of the foot usually marked by a curled shape or twisted position of the ankle and heel and toes 通常、丸まった形、または足首とかかと、及び指先がねじれる特徴のある生まれつきの奇形足。
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【下位】 deformity in which part of the brain protrudes through the skull 脳の一部が頭蓋骨を通してはみ出る奇形。
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【下位】 abnormal protrusion of the breastbone caused by rickets くる病によって胸骨が異常に突出していること。
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【下位】 a deformity of the foot characterized by an abnormally high arch and hyperextension of the toes which gives the foot the appearance of a claw 足が高く湾曲し足指が異常に伸長して、かぎ爪のような外貌を呈する足の奇形。
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【下位】 a deformity in which the space between the third and fourth toes extends up into the foot 足指の第三指、第四指の間が裂けている奇形。
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【下位】 congenital malformation of the skull in which the main axis of the skull is oblique 頭蓋骨の主軸が傾斜している頭蓋骨の先天性奇形。
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【下位】 congenital malformation of the skull which is long and narrow; frequently accompanied by mental retardation 頭蓋骨が長く狭い、先天性奇形。しばしば精神遅滞を伴う。
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【下位】 a deformity in which there is an abnormal displacement of part of a limb away from the midline of the body 手足の一部が体の正中部から離れ、異常にずれている奇形。
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【下位】 a deformity in which part of a limb is turned inward to an abnormal degree 手足の一部が内側にめくれる異常な奇形。
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an appearance that has been spoiled or is misshapen; "there were distinguishing disfigurements on the suspect's back"; "suffering from facial disfiguration" 台無しにされ、不格好にさせられた外観。
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