【下位】 a never-ending cycle of activities and events (especially when they seem to have little purpose); "if we lose the election the whole legislative merry-go-round will have to start over" (特にほとんど目的がないように見えるときの)活動や出来事の堂々めぐり。
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【上位】 similar things placed in order or happening one after another; "they were investigating a series of bank robberies" 類似した事柄が、順番に置かれる、または、次々と起こること。
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【上位】 a magnitude or frequency relative to a time unit; "they traveled at a rate of 55 miles per hour"; "the rate of change was faster than expected" 単位時間と比較しての大きさまたは頻度。
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【下位】 the complete cycle of events in the heart from the beginning of one heart beat to the beginning of the next; an electrical impulse conducted through the heart muscle that constricts the atria which is followed by constriction of the ventricles; "the cardiac cycle can be shown on an electrocardiogram" 1つのハートビートの始まりから次の始まりまでの心の出来事の完了しているサイクル。心筋を通った電動が心房を収縮させ、続いて心室も収縮させる。
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【下位】 a cycle (of expansion and compression) of an idealized reversible heat engine that does work without loss of heat 熱損失なしで機能する理想化されたリバーシブルのヒート・エンジンの1サイクル(拡大と圧縮の)。
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【下位】 a recurring cycle (beginning at menarche and ending at menopause) in which the endometrial lining of the uterus prepares for pregnancy; if pregnancy does not occur the lining is shed at menstruation; "the average menstrual cycle is 28 days" 子宮内膜が妊娠の準備をする繰り返しのサイクル(初潮に始まり閉経期に終わる)。妊娠しなければ内膜は月経時にはがれる。
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【下位】 one complete cycle of operations (as by a computer); "it was not possible to complete the computation in a single pass" (コンピュータによるような)一回りの完全な作業。
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【上位】 a vehicle that moves on wheels and usually has a container for transporting things or people; "the oldest known wheeled vehicles were found in Sumer and Syria and date from around 3500 BC" 通常物や人を運ぶ入れ物を有する車輪で動く乗物。
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【下位】 a bicycle with two sets of pedals and two seats 2つのセットのペダルと2つのシートのある自転車。
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【下位】 an early bicycle with a very large front wheel and small back wheel 非常に大きな前輪と小さな後輪を持つ初期の自転車。
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【下位】 a bicycle that must be pedaled ペダルをこがなければならない自転車。
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【下位】 bicycle that has two wheels of equal size; pedals are connected to the rear wheel by a multiplying gear 等しいサイズの2つのホイールを持っている自転車。ペダルは複合ギアで後輪に接続される。
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【下位】 any of several early bicycles with pedals on the front wheel 前輪にペダルのついた数種の初期の自転車。
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