【下位】 (psychology) an automatic pattern of behavior in reaction to a specific situation; may be inherited or acquired through frequent repetition; "owls have nocturnal habits"; "she had a habit twirling the ends of her hair"; "long use had hardened him to it" 特定の状況に対する反射的な行動パターン。頻繁な繰り返しによって獲得されたかもしれない。
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【下位】 any customary observance or practice 慣習的な行事、もしくは慣例のいずれか。
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【下位】 a custom that is peculiar to the United States or its citizens 米国またはその市民に特有の慣習。
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【下位】 a custom that is peculiar to England or its citizens 英国またはその市民に特有の慣習。
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【下位】 a custom or usage that has acquired the force of law 法的効力を獲得した慣習または慣用。
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【下位】 a custom among some peoples whereby the husband of a pregnant wife is put to bed at the time of bearing the child 妊娠中の妻の夫が、出産時に床につかされるような、いくつかの民族に見られる慣習。
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【下位】 a custom that is peculiar to Germany or its citizens ドイツまたはその市民に特有の慣習。
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【下位】 the custom in some Islamic societies of women dressing modestly outside the home; "she observes the hijab and does not wear tight clothing" 家の外で質素に装うイスラム社会の女性の習慣。
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a specific practice of long standing 長年の特定の習慣。
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【下位】 a custom that for a long time has been an important feature of some group or society; "the institution of marriage"; "the institution of slavery"; "he had become an institution in the theater" ある集団や社会において長い間、重要な特徴となっている習慣。
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【下位】 (Islam) a tradition based on reports of the sayings and activities of Muhammad and his companions 格言の報告とマホメットと彼の仲間の活動に基づく伝統。
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habitual patronage; "I have given this tailor my custom for many years" 習慣的な後見的行為。
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【上位】 the business given to a commercial establishment by its customers; "even before noon there was a considerable patronage" その顧客によって商社とされるビジネス。
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