【上位】 the process of oxidizing; the addition of oxygen to a compound with a loss of electrons; always occurs accompanied by reduction 酸化のプロセス。電子の喪失を伴う化合物への酸素の付加。常に還元に付随して起こる。
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【下位】 the process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and (often) smoke; "fire was one of our ancestors' first discoveries" 熱や発光、(時には)煙を出しながら可燃性の物質が燃える過程。
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【下位】 the combustion of fuel inside a cylinder (as in an internal-combustion engine) シリンダ内の燃料の燃焼(内燃機関のような)。
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【下位】 combustion that propagates through a gas or along the surface of an explosive at a rapid rate driven by the transfer of heat ガスを通して、または、熱転送により急ピッチで促進する爆薬の表面に沿って増殖する燃焼。
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a state of violent disturbance and excitement; "combustion grew until revolt was unavoidable" 激しい騒動と興奮の状態。
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