【上位】 sports equipment consisting of a sharp point on the sole of a shoe worn by athletes; "spikes provide greater traction" 運動選手によってはかれた靴の裏の鋭く尖った先から成るスポーツ用品。
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【上位】 a person who has suddenly risen to a higher economic status but has not gained social acceptance of others in that class 突然経済的に高い地位を手に入れたが、その階級の他の人々の社会的容認を得てはいない人。
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【下位】 a genus with one species that is a rapidly growing climbing vine with tuberous roots; grown in hot climates 塊根がある急速に成長する登上つる植物である種が一つある属。暑い気候で育つ。
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【下位】 any of various ornamental climbing plants of the genus Clematis usually having showy flowers 通常鮮やかな花を咲かせるクレマチス類の様々な装飾用のつる性植物。
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【下位】 any of several ferns of the genus Lygodium that climb by twining 巻きつきながら登るカニクサ属の数種のシダ。
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【下位】 a plant that climbs by its adventitious roots e.g. ivy その不定根により巻き付いてのぼる植物、例えばツタ。
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someone who climbs as a sport; especially someone who climbs mountains; "the lead climber looked strong still but his partner often slumped in his ropes" スポーツとして登る人。特に山に登る人。
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