chew (food); to bite and grind with the teeth; "He jawed his bubble gum"; "Chew your food and don't swallow it!"; "The cows were masticating the grass" 咀嚼(食物)。歯で噛みすりつぶすこと。
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【下位】 chafe at the bit, like horses 馬のように苛立つ。
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【下位】 chew without swallowing; "chaw tobacco" 飲み込まずに噛む。
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【下位】 chew noisily; "The children crunched the celery sticks" 大きな音で噛む。
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【下位】 grind with the gums; chew without teeth and with great difficulty; "the old man had no teeth left and mumbled his food" 歯茎で砕く。歯なしで、大変な困難を伴いながら噛む。
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biting and grinding food in your mouth so it becomes soft enough to swallow 飲み込めるくらい柔らかくなるよう食べ物を口の中で噛み砕く。
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