【下位】 the purple or black-and-blue area resulting from a bruise あざから生じている紫または青黒くなった領域。
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【下位】 a minute red or purple spot on the surface of the skin as the result of tiny hemorrhages of blood vessels in the skin (as in typhoid fever) 皮膚(腸チフスのように)の血管の小さい出血がもたらす皮膚の表面の微小な赤か紫斑。
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hurt the feelings of; "She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests"; "This remark really bruised my ego" 気持ちを傷つける。
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【下位】 treat, mention, or speak to rudely; "He insulted her with his rude remarks"; "the student who had betrayed his classmate was dissed by everyone" 無礼に扱う、言及するまたは話す。
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