【上位】 a discussion intended to produce an agreement; "the buyout negotiation lasted several days"; "they disagreed but kept an open dialogue"; "talks between Israelis and Palestinians" 合意を目指した議論。
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【下位】 a refusal by a negotiator to come to terms in the hope of obtaining a better deal よりよい条件を引き出そうとして交渉の一方が拒否すること。
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【下位】 (criminal law) a negotiation in which the defendant agrees to enter a plea of guilty to a lesser charge and the prosecutor agrees to drop a more serious charge; "his admission was part of a plea bargain with the prosecutor"; "plea bargaining helps to stop the courts becoming congested" 被告がより軽い罪について有罪の抗弁をすることに同意し、検察官がより重い罪をあきらめることに同意する交渉。
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