【上位】 be in charge of, act on, or dispose of; "I can deal with this crew of workers"; "This blender can't handle nuts"; "She managed her parents' affairs after they got too old" その任にある、それとして動く、あるいは処理する。
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【下位】 breathe or blow onto as a ritual or sacramental act, especially so as to symbolize the action of the Holy Spirit 儀式または神聖な行為として呼吸する、あるいは吹きかける、特に聖霊の活動を表わすために。
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administer or bestow, as in small portions; "administer critical remarks to everyone present"; "dole out some money"; "shell out pocket money for the children"; "deal a blow to someone"; "the machine dispenses soft drinks" 管理するか、与える、少量のように。
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【上位】 transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody; "I gave her my money"; "can you give me lessons?"; "She gave the children lots of love and tender loving care" 具体的な何かの移動所有または誰かへの要約。
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【上位】 provide treatment for; "The doctor treated my broken leg"; "The nurses cared for the bomb victims"; "The patient must be treated right away or she will die"; "Treat the infection with antibiotics" 手当てを提供する。
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